JULY 2024

Dear Readers,

In the blink of an eye, we are already more than halfway into 2024 and there are a few important things happening in EQ World that I’d like to share with you all. Our 9POV system will undergo a rescoring in August and we are launching 2 brand new programs: Level 3 Advanced Practitioner Certification and an EFT workshop. We have written articles on how the Enneagram can be integrated into teams, and ways to develop more connectedness in your closest relationships. Alicia will also talk about the memorable experience she had running the ASMI Women’s Workshop.

I am happy to report that our EQ World Middle East & Africa office has hit the ground running, and Veena will share some of what they have started doing. As always, thank you for being a part of the EQ World community and stay well.

Granville D'Souza, DBA

Enneagram Types in Relationships

Alicia Ng

The Enneagram lens through which we view the world inevitably affects our relationship patterns and undoubtedly plays out strongest in our intimate relationships. 

Integrating Enneagram in Teams

The Enneagram has gained traction as a valuable tool for personal development, leadership, and team dynamics.

ASMI Women’s Workshop

I had the most amazing opportunity to run the Enneagram Personality workshop for 60 women of ASMI.


Re-scoring 9POV Enneagram Test

We will be rescoring our 9POV for the third time, and this time, even though it will not look drastically different, the way you will read the tables will all be in percentages - making it easier to interpret.

EQ World Middle East and Africa

EQ World continues in its global mission to teach EQ, Enneagram and Resilience in engaging and impactful ways.


New Program

Enneagram Advanced Practitioner Certification (Level 3)

24, 25, 27, 30 September 2024

Our brand-new Level 3 Advanced Certification is here! The next progression after Level 2, this will build on everything you’ve learned about the Enneagram, but going much deeper into Subtypes and Typing, plus plenty of new stuff about Teams and Coaching.

New Program

EFT Workshop

A new 1-day workshop on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), for powerful personal transformation and for Coaches to add to their toolkit. Learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and break unhealthy patterns to liberate yourself and live your most empowered and authentic life.

Self-Mastery & Authentic Communication With The Enneagram

18 and 19 July 2024

To understand yourself and others better, learn what makes you YOU and how to become the best version of yourself.

Level 1 Practitioner Certification

18, 19, 22 and 23 July 2024

To deepen awareness and understanding of yourself, and gain clarity on your motivations and blind spots to connect more deeply and authentically with others.

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